Away From the Rat Race
Friday, August 24, 2001
From Paul Kan in Koh Phangan, Thailand:
I am in the midst of an extended trip through Asia and saw your article "Savvy Trekkers Map Out Routes to Career Success," by Roger Collis (Aug. 17). I am 32, and, as you know, there are a lot of us "younger" travelers out here. In January, I was laid off from my job as a leveraged finance banker in New York and decided to take some time off. Being without a job, but with some severance and savings, was an opportunity that I had never really had. In school I had worked through most of my vacations, and in nine years of work after school, I had yet to take an extended break. Though I had always wished that I could pause to do things I dreamed, I was too circumspect to break stride and actually do it.
For a few years now, I had wanted to travel to China and throughout Asia. I had also wanted to spend more time on my photography. Now I had a great opportunity to do both. Over the last five months, I have been writing for a travel web site. Maybe some of my fellow readers would be interested in visiting:

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